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5:1  But I beg the Elders who are among you, I, your fellow Elder and witness of the sufferings of The Messiah and a sharer of his glory, which is going to be revealed:
5:2  Shepherd the flock of God that follows you and give care spiritually, not by compulsion, but with pleasure, not by defiled profit, but with all your heart,
5:3  Not as lords of the flock, but as you would be excellent examples.
5:4  And when The Chief Shepherd will be revealed, you shall receive a crown of glory from him that does not fade away.
5:5  And you younger men, submit to your Elders and be closely garbed with humility of mind toward each, because God is opposed to those who are proud and he gives grace to the humble.
5:6  Be humbled, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you at the right time.
5:7  And cast all your cares on God, for he takes care of you.
5:8  Be alert, be reflective, because your enemy Satan roars like a lion and is walking and seeking whom he may devour.
5:9  Stand against him, therefore, being firm in your faith, and know also that sufferings come against your brethren who are in the world.
5:10  But it is The God of grace who has called us to his eternal glory by Yeshua The Messiah, who gives us, while we shall endure these small afflictions, to be empowered, confirmed and established in him to eternity;
5:11  To him is the glory, the dominion and the honor to the eternity of eternities. Amen.
5:12  As I consider these few things, I am writing to you by a trustworthy brother, Sylvanus; I am convinced and I testify that this is the true grace of God in which you stand.
5:13  The chosen church which is in Babylon invokes your peace, and Marqus, my son.
5:14  Invoke the peace, one of another, with a holy kiss. Peace be with all those who are in The Messiah. Amen.